Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Process Lasso


This is a must have program for gamers and power users ! It gathers many CPU & PC tweaks. You can install it use its ProBalance & IdleSaver feature and switch to Gaming Mode when play but it can do so much more.

 This software automaticly unparks your cores when Gaming Mode is enabled. It has its own Power Option - Bitsum Hghest Performance which is faster than generic windows High Performance (90%) and utilizes 100% of the CPU with frequency scaling off which means all cores stay in the highest frequency (for ex. 3.9ghz or 4.2ghz) without scaling down to preserve power. This gives maximum response to your PC when gaming or use demanding programs. When you switch to Power Saver it automaticly parks non used cores to save power. Its the best of both worlds. Unpark & park when needed. The program even gives you the option to tweak the Power Options for youself the way you want it. (for ex. park more cores to save more power or unpark more cores if some app needs more power). Its unique program, something like Task Manager on steroids. You can give priority to I/O, Memmory, CPU, afinity, Application Power Profile and so much more to every program and proces in your PC inividually and remembers the tweaks so they can stay after restart the PC. You can assign any demanding software as Classify as Game which turns on Bitsum Hghest Performance as soon as it launches. Also you can tweak the part of the registry which is responsible to CPU performance to squeeze even more resourses of your system. For example these registry tweaks on youtube for hit-reg and lower latency. It has its own app for that if you have little more knowledge & want to go further. BTW if you unparked your cores in Windows 10 they're still not 100% but this program does it.

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Process Lasso - Trial version - Official Site

HIGH Performance в Power Options не е най-бързото състояние на процесора. С тази програма можете да направите почти всички възможни оптимизации на процесора.  Тази програма има собствена настройка в Power Options - Bitsum Hghest Performance, която напълно ютилизира процесора на 100% и стои постоянно на възможно най-високата зададена честота (напр.3,9ghz/4,2ghz) без да ги мени постоянно, за да пести енергия, а когато дадете на Power Saver или Balanced Options си запазва енергийното пестене и автоматично си Park-ира ядрата, когато не се ползват. Има Gaming Mode, който автоматично включва Bitsum Hghest Performance, дори и да не сте го включили изрично, когато разпознае включена игра (или можете с десен бутон върху играта да зададете всеки по-тежък процес, който изисква повече ресурси, като Classify as Game) Това е програма с уникални възможности и е нещо като Task Manager на стероиди. За тези с Widows 10 дори и да сте си направили unparking на CPU ядрата, не може да се изключи напълно както в Win7 & 8, или по-точно freeuency scaling-а не се маха.

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