Some of the Console Comands in BF4 explained. It applies for BFV as well.
Some of these comands dont exist anymore.

PerfOverlay.DrawFps 0 or 1
displays your FPS.

PostProcess.DynamicAOEnabl​e 0 or 1
Automatically changed to 1 when SSAO or HBAO are set in game, and 0 otherwise. More realistic shadows.

PostProcess.DynamicAOMethod SSAO or HBAO (I use 0 , not sure here)
SSAO saves resources but HBAO gives a better visuals.

Displays additional info.

RenderDevice.Dx11Enable 0 or 1
Disabling gives you more performance in general with slightly lower picture quality.

RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1Enable 0 or 1
RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1RuntimeEnable 0 or 1
Enables & Disables Dx11.1 capabilities.

RenderDevice.ForceRenderAh​eadLimit 0 to 4
RenderDevice.RenderAh​eadLimit 0 to 4
Amount of frames pre-rendered by the CPU. Lower values decrease input lag but shows few FPS lower. I Recomend 0 or 1. This option is in Nvidia Control Pannel so look for both to correspond to each-other. It helps on AMD cards since they don't have this option. Same with RenderDevice.TripleBufferi​ngEnable

RenderDevice.TripleBufferi​ngEnable 0 or 1
Enable it only when using VSync/G-Sync. it's in Nvidia Control Pannel. When using G-Sync enable it in the Nvidia Control Pannel & also enable Fast Sync from Manage 3D Settings>Program Settings & cap your FPS to the monitor refresh rate if you want G-Sync to work properly.

Gametime.MaxVariableFPS (144, 165, 185,200, 300, 400, 500 for ex.)
Caps the maximum FPS value. If you have slow PC or stuttering/frame drops set this to your monitor refresh rate (hz). The game will use less resourses (i.e. less heat) but your frametimes will get higher.
Some set it 2-3 frames below their monitor refresh rate to avoid stuttering. Ideally you have to set it to what PROFSAVE_profile shows. Look for GstRender.FullscreenRefreshRate value.
Its located in C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Battlefield 4\settings. It will show your monitor exact refresh rate. DO NOT CAP TO 60 FPS if you have 60hz monitor and more than 60 FPS. This is stupid. BTW LightBoost works at 120Hz.

Takes a screenshot of the game and saves it in your Documents folder (C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Battlefield 4\Screenshots)

Screenshot.Format PNG/JPG/TGA
Set the screenshot  file format.

WorldRender.LightTileCsPathEnable 0 or 1
0 render lightingeffects on cpu. 1 render lightingeffects on gpu. CPU is faster. Some people say it have something to do with AA. Not entirely sure. This one will give you the most FPS boost in game along with Dx11 commands.

WorldRender.FXAAEnable 0 or 1
FXAA is a different kind of anti-aliasing algorithm (Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing). I dont think Battlefield is using it. I guess you can set it to 1 if you want faster AA. 
*WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0 or 1
Self explanatory. Enables or disables motion blur.

WorldRender.MotionBlurForceOn 0 or 1
WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable must be enabled, Motion Blur is the level of noise. How sharp the picture looks & level of detail.

WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable must be enabled for this to work (Distance Scaling).

WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable must be enabled (Quality of the Motion Blur).

WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable must be enabled (Render Sampling).

WorldRender.SpotLightShado​wmapEnable 0 or 1
Enabling & Disable shadows. Something you can't do in BFV at the moment.

Lower value improves the performance. Lowest value is 64. SpotLightShado​wmapEnable must be enabled for this command to work.

*WorldRender.TransparencySh​adowmapsEnable 0 or 1
This is everything transparent in the game. Smoke for example. It's enabled by default when Lighting Quality is on Medium, High or Ultra.

UI.DrawEnable 0 or 1
Enabling & Disable the in game HUD Menu when gaming.

If WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable is 0

These won't work:

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